As a mom in the business of education, I know how important it is to help your child do better in school. Children, whose parents closely guide them at home especially regarding school work, are most likely to get better grades. It is not enough that they have excellent teachers in school. It is just as important that their parents do their share to make the learning experience a good one for their children. Here, some things that may help:

• Impart the value of a good education. Be enthusiastic when talking to your child about the benefits he can derive from going to school and being a diligent student. Ask him about his goals and dreams. What does he look forward to? How does he imagine his life to be? Encourage these dreams and show him how studying can make achieving his goals a great possibility.

• Share your own positive experiences in school. The memories you may have as a student that were not so good are best left unsaid. You don’t want to pass your own issues to your child.

• Encourage him to do his best. Show interest in his activities. Praise him for a job well done. Avoid criticizing his work. Instead, give him constructive advice when it’s called for.

• Monitor his progress. Read all the literature sent by the school. Report cards, newsletters, and journals—go through all of them and respond when necessary. Show your child that you are paying special attention to his needs in school. When asked to speak to his teachers for any reason, make it a point to be present. The school would appreciate your involvement in your child’s welfare, and your child will be happy to know that you are supporting him all the way.

• Provide your child with an area conducive to studying. It must be in a quiet place, free from distractions such as television and other children playing. Give him materials he can use for his work such as pencils, crayons, paper, and other practical tools. Be present in case he requires some assistance in doing his homework.

• Help him develop good study habits. Agree on a set study time. But just as there is a time to study, there must also be a time for leisure. Eventually, your child will grow into the routine, and it will be second nature to him.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to ultimately educate your child. Do not leave all the work to the school; they can only do so much. When a child knows that his parents are totally involved in his education, he will be motivated to do his best and make them proud.

Good luck!