Why Women Are Better in Money Management
Managing and budgeting money are skills that most women naturally have. I can list a few reasons why: 1. Women are more economical. Women are more realistic and have more control over ourselves when it comes to handling money. We are more likely to buy...
What Makes A Wonder WoMom?
Being a mom is wonderful, fulfilling, and fun. But it can also be extremely stressful because of the constant pressure and obligations that come with raising a child. This is why it always amazes me to see how many moms are still smashing beauty standards despite the...
3 Things Your Daughter Wants to Hear From You
You can never really say “I love you”, “I’m proud of you”, and “I’m here for you” too much, but don’t forget that apart from those phrases, there’s still more that your daughter wishes she could hear you say. The next time you’re both free, sit her down and try to...
CET Stresses: How to Help Your Child Through College Applications
The time has finally come! Although you could’ve sworn that they just started high school yesterday, suddenly now your child is going through college application processes. No doubt, this is one of the most pressuring, stressful, and difficult times in any child’s...
Great Opportunities to Share, Inspire, and Educate
I always try to share my experiences with people because I think it’s one of the best ways to inspire. I am blessed that I have been recently given an opportunity to share my entrepreneurial story through Philippine Marketing Association’s book, “The Agora Way,”...
Happy Mother’s Day
I just want to share with you a moving experience I had last Sunday during our parents’ seminar in one of AHEAD Tutorial and Review Center branches. A mother, a fish vendor, came in late because nobody could watch over her stall. She actually still smelled like fish....